Economic Status and the Academy: Statistical Science
Originally Posted: July 20, 2016
[Update: I discuss more about my low-income background in this interview.]
As an undergraduate student, there are many aspects of professors that may be perceptible to varying degrees. One area that is less likely to be apparent is their childhood socioeconomic background. When the topic is broached, it is not unusual to find out that a faculty member had faculty parents or elite educational opportunities.
I’m always willing to share with students my own disadvantaged background. I grew up low income, often lacking sufficient food, clothing, and shelter in a violent broken home. As a child, the police visited our house, I spent a brief amount of time in a shelter for women and children, and I was evicted twice. Going to school was the best part of my day, because I felt safe there. Early on, I realized that getting an education would be my only way out of the dysfunction of my situation. I was fortunate to have an aptitude for scholastics, and benefited from tracking programs that identified me as a honors student in elementary school. I’m one of the lucky ones with other privileges that helped enable my success, and feel it is my responsibility to actively contribute to increasing the pipeline of varied backgrounds in statistical science programs.
If you don't meet people like you in your current classes or see yourself in your instructors, that does not mean that you don't belong in this field or shouldn't continue your studies in graduate school. Statistics is an exciting discipline where you can work on mathematical challenges, applications, or policy considerations on any given day. Visit to see the breadth of career possibilities in statistics.