Academic CVs for Statistical Science Faculty Positions

Originally Posted: September 14, 2015

The CV is an important part of your application materials; it should be free of clutter and well organized.

However, despite its importance, there are just a few major pieces of information most search committee members at research-intensive institutions will want to obtain quickly before continuing to read your application package. 

Make it Easy to Find Key Elements

  • PhD institution and advisor

  • Postdoc institution and advisor (if applicable)

  • Published/accepted papers

And, depending on the subfield, other major work products, such as R packages or curated public-use datasets. Major honors and awards may also be of interest.


Published/accepted papers should not be mixed together with submitted or in progress work, a master's thesis, and other "padding." It is, however, completely reasonable to have separate labeled subsections within a publications section for submitted and in preparation papers.

Limit the list of in progress papers to a reasonable number. Keep in mind that when you list a paper as in preparation, you should be ready to send a draft to a search committee member if they ask to read it. No draft? Don't list it.

Do not use current faculty CVs as a model for your CV. Many schools have specific templates professors must follow, and the organization of information differs once you have a faculty position. Query your peers instead and ask to see their CV as it appeared when they were on the job market.

Have a PDF of your CV available on your website through a stable one-click web link (i.e., the link ends in .pdf). This makes it easy for search committees to share and circulate your possibly updated CV. Embedded PDFs and PDFs only available for download are not as flexible for this purpose.

RELATED: Academic Cover Letters for Statistical Science Faculty Positions